-Angel Encounter During Daniel's Prayer Sunday, November 26, 2023- 
As soon as Dan started praying the activation to start seeing the angels I saw a huge purple butterfly. I was afraid but I felt it would be ok, so I went for it.  as soon as I came into contact with it I transported into another realm. It was very bright but I could hear someone asking for help. It was surreal. I walked into a barn house where an angel was chained to a pole.  I took out my sword but when I tried to cut the chain something else happened. I came into contact with him he showed me who he was. He had a huge gold hammer and he said he breaks hard things in the heart (sounded like heart breaker ha!). Mind you he is still chained talking to me! My sword couldn’t break the chain. It’s hard to put into words what this communication was like but the easiest way for me to describe is in very child friendly language. He said I won’t lose him again if I read Gods word. THEN Dan started mentioning that some angels are in captivity;  I just started crying because I knew this encounter was real. You can’t make this stuff up! At this point in Dan's prayer his chain was broken and I saw it fall and evaporate on the floor. As the prayer continued I saw a whole city light up and I saw many angels in it—the city was made of angels. As it lit up I saw the whole city all together and it was one giant angel called Destiny! 
I’m looking forward to learn more about them. Thank you Dan!