Since discovering Bride last year, I immediately applied to receive the scholarship for Bride Coaching. I was on that list for a year. I didn’t mess around with beginning my healing journey while waiting. I dove right into the Deliverance assessments and prayers. I took BMI Courses and listened to a lot of Discovering Truth Podcasts. I took notes on anything that resonated with my Spirit needing a severing of legality. My deliverance journal got bigger and bigger as I added things. The acceleration and physical symptoms are too many to name here. Just know it was equivalent to something out of a science fiction novel. 

I just finished my 8 coaching sessions with Pam. I’ve got a whole new freedom and level of healing I never knew possible. To name a few: firing a Super Soldier, getting my Spirit out of captivity from Andromeda, Abba giving me back my dignity, my self-esteem being restored, exploring my star and mountain, and Abba calling me to long-term fast after growing up with childhood starvation with no hunger pains. The fasting accelerated supernatural worship and revelations. Jesus gave one of my parts a robe that changed colors because she was never given the choice in her trauma. That moment was when He gave me back my dignity and integration happened. I finally understanding Dan’s Realms and Dimensions book. The comprehension literally happened overnight. There’s just too much to go into. There was an incredibly deep healing. This all obviously spilled over into my marriage, and we had daily worship and powerful prayer together. Our marriage was already strong; but now seeing our spirits fight, worship and engage in warfare…there’s a deepening we never knew existed.

 I want to publicly honor my Coach Pam for how she led and fought for me. The way her spirit rose on our first meeting when forces stopped the sound from working on our first meeting. She wasn’t having that! The way she allowed my spirit to go at Ferrari speeds. The tenderness in which she would comfort me. The way she would share in my joy instant freedom was found. The way she honored me and pushed me deeper to Abba’s heart. The level of homework she gave me and how that’s established a powerful foundation for daily worship. The humility she possesses is unprecedented. Everything has changed. I not only got a powerful coach heavenly selected for me, but a powerful prayer warrior to join forces with and a lifelong friend. 

 There’s a lot we don’t see behind closed doors in the coaching program, and I want to honor Ann as well. This woman has such a sweet spirit that just jumps out on every email she sends. There’s no confusion or lack of communication. To couple the two opposite markers with effortless balance is a true gift. She makes everything look easy. Ann, thank you for making me feel welcome and for everything you do that stays behind the curtain. 

Thank you, Dan & all of the Bride Coaching staff. Thank you for empowering these mighty coach warriors’ tools to set people free. I don’t take anything you’ve all done for granted. I honor the sacrifices spiritually and physically you and your entire families have made just to set people free. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my family.

Lastly, I love you King Jesus. You are more beautiful and magnificent than I ever thought!